Released Under Investigation

By 4th May 2019 June 4th, 2019 Uncategorised

If you are being investigated by the police you may be bailed to return to the police station at a later date. If so, conditions will normally be attached to your bail. Such conditions may require you to live at a specified address, avoid contact with certain people, etc. You can only be released on police bail for a limited time.

Alternatively, the police may continue their investigations without giving you a return date or imposing any conditions. This is known as being “Released Under Investigation” (RUI). There are no time limits when this procedure is used.

Although suspects “Released Under Investigation” are not subject to bail conditions, they should beware of doing anything which might be regarded as interfering with the police investigation. The police may or may not wish to see a suspect again during the investigation period.

The investigation may eventually be dropped. If the suspect is to be charged, the charge is normally by postal summons (“Postal Requisition”).

Being “Released Under Investigation” can give rise to a number of issues, and legal advice is useful in most cases.